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African Dryland Alliance for Pesticidal Plant Technologies:

A network for optimising and promoting the use of indigenous botanical knowledge for food security and poverty alleviation in Africa

Popular press articles

Beeting the Beetles. (2013) In: Kew Magazine. Spring issue p. 17.

Alan Cork, Hans Dobson, David Grzywacz, Rick Hodges, Alastair Orr & Philip Stevenson (2009) Review of pre- and post-harvest pest management for pulses with special reference to Eastern and Southern Africa. 136 pp. McKnight Foundation, Cornell University, New York, USA. (full text pdf)

Research of ADAPPT colleagues in Zimbabwe and UK appears in online journal Agriland: Tick Control Measures from Nature, May 2012

Research of ADAPPT colleagues in Zimbabwe and UK appears in online journal Science Daily: Natural Pesticide Protects Cattle Against Ticks in Africa, 11 October 2011

Ticks. (2011) In: Kew Magazine, Autumn issue p. 15.

Pesticidal Woodlands. (2011) In: Kew Scientist, 39:5.

ADAPPT information flyer

Flyer about ADAPPT produced by the ACP S&T programme

Belmain, S.R. and Stevenson, P.C. (2001) Ethnobotanicals in Ghana: reviving and modernising age-old farmer practice. Pesticide Outlook. 12, 233-238. *(full text pdf)

Training materials

Anjarwalla P., Ofori D.A., Jamnadass R., Mowo J.G. & Stevenson P.C.(2013). Proceedings of a training workshop on sustainable production, harvesting and conservation of botanical pesticides. World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya. 61pp.

Fact sheet about Aloe ferox

Fact sheet about Dysphania ambrosioides

Fact sheet about Euphorbia tirucalli

Fact sheet about Solanum incanum

Fact sheet about Strychnos spinosa

Fact sheet about Tagetes minuta

Fact sheet about Tephrosia vogelii

Fact sheet about Tithonia diversifolia

Fact sheet about Vernonia amygdalina

Seed collecting techniques by Michael Way and Kate Gold, Seed Conservation Department, Millenium Seed Bank, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

Guidelines for the Sustainable Harvesting of Traditional Medicinal Plants - but just as relevant for harvesting pesticidal plants

Scientific writing presentation by PC Stevenson or in summarised text version

Proposal writing presentation by SR Belmain

Bioassay methods presentation by MB Isman

An online tutorial for the use of chemical analysis in the study of biological interactions

Page link to McKnight Pesticidal Plant Workshop

Scientific journal articles - authors from ADAPPT partner institutions

Amoabeng, B.W., Gurr, G.M., Gitau, C.W., Nicol, H.I., Munyakazi, L. and Stevenson, P.C. (2013) Tri-Trophic Insecticidal Effects of African Plants against Cabbage Pests. PloS One, 8 (10) p. e78651 (full text pdf)

Ogendo, J.O., Lukhoba, C.W., Bett, P.K. and Machocho, A.K. (Eds.) (2013) Proceedings of The First International Conference on Pesticidal Plants. Egerton University, Kenya. 275 pp. (full text pdf)

Belmain, S.R., Haggar, J., Holt, J. and Stevenson, P.C. (2013). Managing legume pests in sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and prospects for improving food security and nutrition through agro-ecological intensification. Chatham Maritime (United Kingdom): Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich. 34p. (full text pdf)

Madzimure, J., Nyahangare, E.T., Hamudikuwanda, H., Hove, T., Belmain, S.R. Stevenson, P.C. and Mvumi, B.M. (2013) Efficacy of Strychnos spinosa (Lam.) and Solanum incanum L. aqueous fruit extracts against cattle ticks. Tropical Animal Health and Production. Online First Article. (full text pdf)

Arnold, S.E.J, Stevenson, P.C. and Belmain, S.R. (2012) Odour-mediated orientation of beetles is influenced by age, sex and morph. PLoS ONE. 7(11): e49071 (full text pdf)

Belmain, S.R., Amoah, B.A., Nyirenda, S.P., Kamanula, J.F. and Stevenson, P.C. (2012) Highly variable insect control efficacy of Tephrosia vogelii chemotypes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 60(40): 10055–10063. (full text pdf)

Stevenson,  P. C. Nyirenda, S.P., Mvumi, B.M., Sola, P., Kamanula, J.F., Sileshi, G., Belmain, S.R. (2012) Pesticidal plants: A viable alternative insect pest management approach for resource-poor farming in Africa. In: Opender Koul, G. S. Dhaliwal, S. Khokhar and Ram Singh (eds.), Biopesticides in Environment and Food Security: Issues and Strategies, Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India, pp. 212-238. (full text pdf)

Nyahangare, E.T., Hove, T., Mvumi, B.M., Hamudikuwanda, H., Belmain, S.R., Madzimure, J. and Stevenson, P.C. (2012) Acute mammalian toxicity of four pesticidal plants. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 6 (13): 2674-2680. (full text pdf)

Muzemu, S., Mvumi, B.M., Nyirenda, S.P.N. Sileshi, G.W., Sola, P., Kamanula, J.F., Belmain, S.R. and Stevenson, P.C. (2012) Pesticidal effects of indigenous plants extracts against rape aphids and tomato red spider mites. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. 10: 169 - 171. (full text pdf)

Chikukura, L., Mvumi, B.M., Chikonzo, R. and Chenzara, C. (2012) Evaluation of selected indigenous pesticidal plant powders against stored maize and cowpeas insect pests African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. 10: 189 - 192. (full text pdf)

Philip C. Stevenson, Geoffrey C. Kite, Gwilym P. Lewis, Félix Forest, Stephen P. Nyirenda, Steven R. Belmain, Gudeta W. Sileshi, Nigel C. Veitch (2012). Distinct chemotypes of Tephrosia vogelii and implications for their use in pest control and soil enrichment. Phytochemistry. 78: 135-146. (full text pdf)

Thokozani, B.L.K, Zulu, D., Sileshi, G.W., Teklehaimanot, Z., Gondwe, D.S.B., Sarasan, V. and Stevenson, P.C. (2011). Seed germination and in vitro regeneration of the African medicinal and pesticidal plant, Bobgunnia Madagascariensis. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10(32): 5959-5966 (full text pdf)

Zulu, D., Thokozani, B.L.K., Sileshi, G.W., Teklehaimanot, Z., Gondwe, D.S.B., Sarasan, V. and Stevenson, P.C. (2011). Propagation of the African medicinal and pesticidal plant, Securidaca longepedunculata. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10(32): 5988-5992. (full text pdf)

Sarasan, V., Kite, G., Sileshi, G. & Stevenson, P. (2011). Applications of phytochemical and in vitro techniques for reducing over-harvesting of medicinal and pesticidal plants and generating income for the rural poor. Plant Cell Reports. 30(7):1163-1172. (full text pdf)

Nyirenda, S.P.N. Sileshi, G., Belmain, S.R., Kamanula, J.F., Mvumi, B., Sola,   P., Nyirenda, G.K.C. & Stevenson, P.C. (2011). Farmers’ ethno-ecological knowledge of vegetable pests and pesticidal plant use in northern Malawi and eastern Zambia. African Journal of Agricultural Research. (full text pdf)

Kamanula J., Sileshi, G.W., Belmain, S.R., Sola, P.,  Mvumi, B.M., Nyirenda, G.K.C., Nyirenda, S.P.N. & Stevenson, P.C. (2011) Farmers’ Insect Pest management practices and pesticidal plant use for protection of stored maize and beans in Southern Africa. International Journal of Pest Management. 57(1): 41-49. (full text pdf)

Madzimure, J., Nyahangare, E.T., Hamudikuwanda, H., Hove, T., Stevenson, P.C., Belmain, S.R., and Mvumi, B.M. (2011) Acaricidal efficacy against cattle ticks and acute oral toxicity of Lippia javanica (Burm F.) Spreng. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 43:481–489. (full text pdf)  

Stevenson, P.C., Nyirenda, S.P., Veitch, N.C. (2010). Highly glycosylated flavonoids from the pods of Bobgunnia madagascariensis. Tetrahedron Letters. 51: 4727–4730. (full text pdf)

Stevenson, P.C., Dayarathna, T.K., Belmain, S.R. and Veitch, N.C. (2009). Bisdesmosidic saponins from Securidaca longepedunculata roots: Evaluation of deterrency and toxicity to coleopteran storage pests. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 57: 8860–8867. (full text pdf)

Koul, O. and Walia, S. (2009). Comparing impacts of plant extracts and pure allelochemicals and implications for pest control. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 4 (49):1-30. (full text pdf)

Isman, M. (2008). Botanical insecticides: for richer, for poorer. Pest Management Science. 64: 8–11. (full text pdf)

Koul, O. (2008). Phytochemicals and Insect Control: An Antifeedant Approach. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 27:1, 1-24. (full text pdf)

Akhtar, Y., Yeoung, Y.R. & Isman, M.B. (2008). Comparative bioactivity of selected extracts from Meliaceae and some commercial botanical insecticides against two noctuid caterpillars, Trichoplusia ni and Pseudaletia unipuncta. Phytochemical Review. 7:77–88. (full text pdf)

Koul, O., Walia, S. and Dhaliwal, G.S. (2008). Essential Oils as Green Pesticides: Potential and Constraints. Biopesticides International. 4(1): 63–84. (full text pdf)

Kestenholz, C., Stevenson, P.C., Belmain, S.R. (2007). Comparative study of field and laboratory evaluations of the ethnobotanical Cassia sophera L. (Leguminosae) for bioactivity against the storage pests Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Stored Products Research. 43: 79-86. (full text pdf)

Isman, M.B. (2006). Botanical insecticides, deterrents and repellents in modern agriculture and an increasingly regulated world. Annual Review of Entomology. 51:45–66. (full text pdf).
Any reproduction, except for personal use, requires written permission from Annual Reviews Inc.

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, P.C., Hall, D.R. and Belmain, S.R. (2005). Effect of volatile constituents from Securidaca longipedunculata on insect pests of stored grain. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 31: 303-313. (full text pdf)

Isman, M.B. (2005). Tropical forests as sources of natural insecticides. In: Recent Advances in Phytochemistry, Volume 39 (Chemical Ecology and Phytochemistry of Forests and Forest Ecosystems, JT Arnason, M Abou-Zaid, JT Romeo [eds.]. Elsevier, pp. 145-161. (full text pdf).

Waliwitiya, R., Isman, M.B., Vernon, R.S. & Riseman, A. (2005). Insecticidal activity of selected monoterpenoids and rosemary oil to Agriotes obscurus (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 98(5): 1560-1565. (full text pdf).

Ogendo, J.O., Deng, A.L., Belmain, S.R., Walker, D.J. and Musandu. A.O. (2004) Effect of insecticidal plant materials, Lantana camara L. and Tephrosia vogelii Hook, on the quality parameters of stored maize grains. Journal of Food Technology in Africa. 9(1):29-35. (full text pdf)

Leatemia J.A. & Isman, M.B. (2004) Insecticidal activity of crude seed extracts of Annona spp., Lansium domesticum and Sandoricum koetjape against lepidopteran larvae. Phytoparasitica. 32(1):30-37. (full text pdf).

Ogendo, J.O., Belmain, S.R., Deng, A.L. and Walker, D.J. (2003) Comparison of the toxic and repellent effects of Lantana camara L. and Tephrosia vogelii Hook against Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in stored maize grain. Insect Science and its Application. 23(2): 127-135. (full text pdf)

Jayasekara, T.K., Stevenson, P.C., Belmain, S.R., Farman, D.I. and Hall, D.R. (2002). Identification of methyl salicylate as the principal volatile component in the methanol extract of roots of Securidaca longepedunculata Fers. Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 37:577-580. (full text pdf)

Belmain, S.R., Neal, G E., Ray, D.E. and Golob, P. (2001) Insecticidal and vertebrate toxicity associated with ethnobotanicals used as post-harvest protectants in Ghana. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 39(3):287-291. *(full text pdf)