The ADAPPT project is fortunate to have secured internationally-reknowned scientists actively working in the field of botanical pesticides to act as peer-reviewers of the ADAPPT project. The External Advisory Board is comprised of three world leaders with distinguished scientific careers who can help ensure the ADAPPT project remains relevant and focussed on appropriate knowledge gaps.
The University of British Columbia
Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4, Canada, Website for UBC.

Prof. Murray Isman
Applied Biology (Entomology/Toxicology)
Insect Biopesticide Research Centre
30 Parkash Nagar, Model town, Jalandhar, 144003, India. Website for IBRC.

Dr. Opender Koul
Director and Editor-in-Chief
ICIPE- African Insect Science for Food and Health
Behavioural and Chemical Ecology, P.O. Box 30772-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.Website for ICIPE.
Prof Ahmed Hassanali
details to be added