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African Dryland Alliance for Pesticidal Plant Technologies:

A network for optimising and promoting the use of indigenous botanical knowledge for food security and poverty alleviation in Africa

a Solanum panduriformis plant, distinguished by its prominent purple flowers with bright yellow anthers. The leaves are broad and have a fuzzy texture, typical of the Solanum family.



Perennial herb or herbaceous small shrub, often unarmed but occasionally with a few prickles. Leaves elliptic, entire or slightly wavy on the margins, dark green above, paler and tomentose below. Flowers pale to deep blue, mauve or purple. Fruit mottled or striped green and white, yellow when ripe. Found along roadsides and in disturbed areas.

Solanum panduriformis flower
Solanum panduriformis fruit
Solanum panduriformis fruit variant
Drying Solanum panduriformis plant